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فيما يلي درجاتنا النهائية لكل فريق على حدة لمشروع NFL لعام 2020 (الاختيارات المدرجة حسب الجولة والاختيار العام):

نعم ، هذا يخبرك بكل شيء. نحن نتعامل مع ركلة. وهو جيد أيضًا. يحطم الكرة في ركلات البداية ، ودقيقة على الاشياء القصيرة والمتوسطة ونظر الجزء في كبار السلطانية. ربما افتقاره إلى الدقة الطويلة والخبرة في الطقس البارد هي الأسئلة الوحيدة – تلك وحكمة صياغة القاذفات. ولكن كل اختيار آخر ، يمكننا التأخر.

المدير العام كريس جرير يستحق جولة من التصفيق. كانت حملة هو والتوجيه الخاطئ لموظفيه محاولة تستغرق ثلاثة أشهر للتخلص من رائحة الجميع وإعطاء الانطباع بأن جوستين هربرت من ولاية أوريغون كان رجلهم. سيكون من الممتع معرفة ما إذا كان Tua ومعسكره في الحيلة لأنه يبدو أنهما يرسلان إشارات مختلطة حول اهتمام ميامي. حقا ، كان Tagovailoa هو الذي اعتبرته الدلافين لديه القدرة على العظمة ، حتى وسط جميع مخاوف الإصابة. بقي غرير في الاختيار رقم 5 وأخذ QB بأعلى ارتفاع في ذلك المكان. من المحتمل أن يكون فوزًا كبيرًا ، لذا نحيي شجاعته.

لا أكره لعبة جاكسون. إنه غير جاهز. ولتوضيح ذلك ، فإن تصرفه الشجاع والغير أناني للتبرع بنخاع العظم لأخته المريضة هو شيء يمكن لأي شخص أن يصفق له بصوت عال. ولكن هل أثر ذلك على لعبه عندما عاد إلى الملعب بعد بضعة أسابيع؟ أشار جاكسون إلى ذلك على الأرجح ، بعد أن فقد الوزن والقدرة على التحمل بسبب الإجراء. هنا يأمل أن ينتهي به الأمر إلى محترف رائع وأن أعترف بأنه كان مخطئًا في توقعه كإمكانية. والخبر السار هو أن الدلافين يمكن أن تعمل معه وتزرع تلك الموهبة بوتيرة تدريجية.

اللاعب الذي قارنته بميمس خلال العملية كان دي جي. شارك ، وهو مؤسس ثانٍ لجاكوار سابقًا ، وكان له سمات الجولة الأولى ولكن شريط الجولة الثالثة. اندلعت شارك مع موسم 1000 ياردة في السنة الثانية وهو لاعب في صعود. استطعت أن أرى تقدمًا مشابهًا لـ Mims ، الذي تمت مناقشته في نطاق الجولة 1 ولكن انخفض بشكل مفاجئ إلى جهاز الاستقبال الثالث عشر المحدد. سنراهن على بعض الدوقات التي ينتهي بها الأمر أفضل من ذلك. هل يختتم مساراته ويعاني من بضع قطرات تركيز؟ نعم. لكنه يقوم أيضًا بإمساك بكرة تسليط الضوء ويمكنه مساعدة Sam Darnold في مهاجمة وسط الملعب أكثر. أراد باكرز ، الذي اختار ثلاث نقاط في وقت لاحق ، Mims وغاب للتو.

في هذه الصورة الثابتة من الفيديو الذي قدمه اتحاد كرة القدم الأميركي ، يجلس جو دوجلاس ، المدير العام لنيويورك جيتس ، خلال الجولة الثانية من مسودة كرة القدم ، يوم الجمعة ، 24 أبريل ، 2020. (NFL via AP)

في هذه الصورة الثابتة من الفيديو الذي قدمه اتحاد كرة القدم الأميركي ، يجلس جو دوجلاس ، المدير العام لنيويورك جيتس ، خلال الجولة الثانية من مسودة كرة القدم ، يوم الجمعة ، 24 أبريل ، 2020. (NFL via AP)

وحقاً ، لم يكن أي من اختياراتهم تجاوزًا كبيرًا أو ضعفًا. يمتلك Zuniga الصفات اللازمة ليكون متسرعًا قويًا ، لكن الإصابات أعاقته وتحتاج إلى عمل تقني. ربما يمكن للمساعدين جو فيت وأندريه كارتر الذهاب إليه للعمل معه وتوظيف تلك الموهبة. لقد قمت بتثبيت Zuniga باعتباره رابع مستدير ، خارج أعلى 100 عميل محتمل ، ولكن القيمة الموضعية لم تجعله يصل إلى هنا. أحببت معظم اختيارات الطائرات بشكل عام.

بيل بيلشيك لديه قول ، ونحن نعيد الصياغة هنا: “لا تخبرني بما لا يستطيع الرجل فعله. قل لي ماذا يمكنه أن يفعل “. ومع Uche ، سيجد طريقة ليكون ناجحًا على الرغم من قيوده. هناك الكثير من الاتجاه الصعودي الذي يمكن أن يتم التغلب عليه بأذرع طويلة ورياضية قوية ومحرك أبيض حار. كان Belichick متوقفاً أمام تدريبات OL-DL واحد لواحد لمدة يومين في Senior Bowl ، وعرض Uche باستمرار مهاراته في تلك المعارك. يمكنه أيضًا الوقوف والقيام ببعض الأشياء الوطنية للغاية ، كما هو الحال في اختيارهم الأول ، دوجر.

لاعب خط وسط ميشيغان جوش أوتشي كان اختيارنا المفضل لدى الوطنيين هذا العام. (تصوير راندي ليتزينغر / Icon Sportswire عبر Getty Images)

لاعب خط وسط ميشيغان جوش أوتشي كان اختيارنا المفضل لدى الوطنيين هذا العام. (تصوير راندي ليتزينغر / Icon Sportswire عبر Getty Images)

بعض يوتيوب البارزة جاهدنا لمشاهدة). اثنان من مدربي الفرق الخاصة أعطوا أسماء خمسة ركلاء وخمسة صواريخ أعجبهم في هذه الفئة ، ولم يظهر اسم روهرفاسر. هل هذا يعني أنه لا يمكن أن يكون آدم فيناتيري التالي؟ بالطبع لا. نأمل أن يكون أعظم لاعب في كل العصور. لكن إنفاق صاحب المركز الخامس عليه – مع توفر Tyler Bass و Rodrigo Blankenship الأكثر إنجازًا – يقرض على الأقل إلى حد ما من التدقيق. “data-reaid =” 138 “> نخشى ما لا نفهمه. نعم ، نحن نحكم على اختيار لاعب لم نره من قبل (خارج بعض يوتيوب البارزة جاهدنا لمشاهدة). اثنان من مدربي الفرق الخاصة أعطوا أسماء خمسة ركلاء وخمسة صواريخ أعجبهم في هذه الفئة ، ولم يظهر اسم روهرفاسر. هل هذا يعني أنه لا يمكن أن يكون آدم فيناتيري التالي؟ بالطبع لا. نأمل أن يكون أعظم لاعب في كل العصور. لكن إنفاق صاحب المركز الخامس عليه – مع توفر Tyler Bass الأكثر نجاحًا ورودريغو بلانكينشيب – على الأقل يقرض إلى حد ما من التدقيق.

مثل اختيار طفلك المفضل ، هذه ليست مهمة سهلة. لدى Ravens كل عام تقريبًا واحدة من المسودات المفضلة لدي. أجبرت على الاختيار ، أقول الملكة. هل كانوا يتعرقون على سي هوكس قبل الاختيار؟ المحتمل. وأظن أن براندون أيوك كان في مرمى البصر أيضًا قبل أن تقفزهم سان فرانسيسكو للحصول عليه. الملكة – أول لاعب في LSU قام بالتصميم على الإطلاق – تلعب مثل الغراب. قد يكون أخضر قليلاً ولكنه قد يكون مؤديًا خاصًا في الوقت المناسب.

يلعب الظهير السابق LSU باتريك كوين فقط مثل Raven ، مما يجعله اختيارًا مفضلاً لبالتيمور في مسودة NFL لعام 2020. (تصوير دون خوان مور / غيتي إيماجز)

يلعب الظهير السابق LSU باتريك كوين فقط مثل Raven ، مما يجعله اختيارًا مفضلاً لبالتيمور في مسودة NFL لعام 2020. (تصوير دون خوان مور / غيتي إيماجز)

كان لدي بريديسون متقدماً قليلاً على فيليبس في تصنيفاتي ، لذا فهذه قيمة معتدلة هنا. قد يكون Bredeson أكثر سلامة من الناحية الفنية ، حتى إذا كان تنوع استخدامات Phillips ذات أربعة مواضع (كل بقعة OL ولكن في المركز) يمنحه بعض القيمة لفريق يحتاج إلى العمق من الداخل والخارج. أنا لا أعرف ما إذا كان أي شيء آخر غير احتياطي ثابت ، وهو رجل سادس محتمل – وهو الدور الذي لعبه فيليبس بشكل أساسي للبلدغ في 2018.

الغش هنا لأن Burrow هو خياري المفضل ، ولكن دعونا نعطي Higgins بعض اللمعان. لقد كان احتمالنا السادس والعشرين ، ولن نعتذر عن ذلك. يلعب هيجنز أسلوبًا مشابهًا لأجيه. نشأ جرين ونشأ في معبودته ، لذا فهم الآن زملاء في الفريق – على الأقل لمدة عام ، على أي حال. إنه يمنح Burrow صانع ألعاب طويل وديناميكي قادر على الفوز في الخارج ، ونحن نحب ذلك. دع هذين ينموان معًا ، ويمكن أن يكونا زوجًا خاصًا في الوقت المناسب.

مشاريع Clemson واسعة الاستقبال Tee Higgins كهدف مستقبلي لـ Joe Burrow. (AP Photo / مايك مكارن ، ملف)

مشاريع Clemson واسعة الاستقبال Tee Higgins كهدف مستقبلي لـ Joe Burrow. (AP Photo / مايك مكارن ، ملف)

قم بتشغيل شريط نورث كارولاينا ، حيث كان لدى ADG اعتراض وركل مسدود ، وقد تحصل على فكرة عن كيفية مساهمته. كان الخلاف الحقيقي الوحيد هو أن مهاراته تتداخل مع مهارات ويلسون ، حيث اختار الجولة في وقت سابق. هل يمكنهم اللعب معًا؟ ربما. بدا الأمر وكأنه اختيار فاخر ، على الرغم من أن البنغاليين أحبوا ما رأوه في ديفيس-جايز بعد تدريبه في كبار السلطانية. ليس اختيارًا سيئًا. ليس فقط مفضلتنا.

للحصول عليه في رقم 10 كان عليه أن يفجر حفلة حجر صحي في منزل أندرو بيري. لا أعتقد أن هذا يمكن أن يحدث. كان Wills هو OT1 الخاص بنا ، على الرغم من أن Tristan Wirfs من Iowa و Andrew Thomas من جورجيا لم يكنا متخلفين عن الركب. عند الذهاب إلى المسودة ، كان توماس توقعًا معقولًا لبراونز ، على افتراض أنهم غير مستعدين للمضي قدمًا. لكن الوصايا أفضل. قد يستغرق الانتقال إلى الوضع الأيسر بعض الوقت للتكيف ، لكنه مناسب تمامًا في نظام التشغيل الواسع النطاق في Browns وسيشكل نغمة في المقدمة.

لاعب خط الهجوم الهجومي ألاباما Jedrick Wills Jr. (74) خلال النصف الأول من مباراة لكرة القدم الجامعية NCAA ضد تينيسي ، السبت 19 أكتوبر 2019 ، في توسكالوسا ، ألاس. (AP Photo / Vasha Hunt)

لاعب خط الهجوم الهجومي ألاباما Jedrick Wills Jr. (74) خلال النصف الأول من مباراة لكرة القدم الجامعية NCAA ضد تينيسي ، السبت 19 أكتوبر 2019 ، في توسكالوسا ، ألاس. (AP Photo / Vasha Hunt)

فيليبس لاعب لطيف يمكنه عمل هذه القائمة ، لكني كنت سأحب الاختيار أكثر لو جاءت في وقت لاحق. كان هناك بعض الضجيج المتأخر المنخفض على هذا العضو المجهول في دفاع فريق Tigers الذي فاز باللقب ، لكنني قلق من أنه ليس جيدًا بما يكفي في التغطية ليكون أكثر من مجرد مدافع مبكر وفرق خاصة.

ميريلاند الذي يركض خلفًا أنتوني مكفارلاند جونيور يذهب لمساحة 63 ياردة ضد ولاية ميشيغان في 30 نوفمبر 2019. (تصوير دوان بورليسون / غيتي إيماجز)

ميريلاند الذي يركض خلفًا أنتوني مكفارلاند جونيور يذهب لمساحة 63 ياردة ضد ولاية ميشيغان في 30 نوفمبر 2019. (تصوير دوان بورليسون / غيتي إيماجز)

من الصعب إخراج مباراة ولاية أوهايو لعام 2018 من رؤوسنا. أشعل البوكي حتى ذلك اليوم. لكن عبء العمل المنخفض في ماكفارلاند والإصابات المستمرة تثير القلق ، حتى لو جاء مع عدد قليل من الأميال ولديه قوة تعمل في المنزل كعداء وجهاز استقبال. إذا تم استخدامه بشكل صحيح ، فقد يكون تغييرًا رائعًا في الخلف ، كن متشككًا.

احتلنا المرتبة 82 ، لذا لم يكن هذا خصمًا كبيرًا – على الرغم من أن محللين إعلاميين آخرين وضعوه في نطاق الجولة 2. ومع ذلك ، كان جرينارد فنانًا في كيس في لويزفيل ثم بالنسبة إلى التمساح ، وفاعليته في التعطيل جيدة جدًا بحيث لا يمكن تجاهلها. يلعب بجد ويستخدم يديه بشكل جيد حقًا ، مما يلبي الحاجة إلى فريق سيكون عليه استبدال بعض إنتاج الاندفاع السريع.

يدير جوناثان غرينارد ، لاعب خط الدفاع في فلوريدا ، اندفاعة مسافة 40 ياردة أثناء الجمع بين الكشافة في ملعب لوكاس أويل في 29 فبراير 2020 في إنديانابوليس ، إنديانا. (تصوير جو روبينز / غيتي إيماجز)

يدير جوناثان غرينارد ، لاعب خط الدفاع في فلوريدا ، اندفاعة 40 ياردة خلال الجمع الكشفي للنادي الوطني لكرة القدم في ملعب لوكاس أويل في 29 فبراير 2020 في إنديانابوليس ، إنديانا. (تصوير جو روبينز / غيتي إيماجز)

حقا ، حيث حصلوا على هيك – نجل مدرب – كان صلبًا. إنه مانع طويل حقًا ، ويعمل ضده عندما لا يبقى منخفضًا ؛ that was exploited in some one-on-one matchups at the Senior Bowl. Heck also has a high enough floor to where we can’t really hate the pick.

One of our great 2020 draft regrets was stamping a grade on Pittman that left him our 51st overall player, so by that measure he would be considered a reach. Forget about it. The more we stepped back and thought about it in late March and early April, that’s one we just messed up. Pittman has a great chance to end up one of the four or five best receivers in this whole class, and he was the seventh one taken. Combine his 50-50 skill as an intermediate receiver and his special-teams prowess, and Pittman is the perfect Colts pick.

USC wide receiver Michael Pittman Jr. catches a deep jump ball over Utah defensive back Julian Blackmon for a touchdown on Sept. 20, 2019. They will be Indianapolis Colts teammates. (Photo by Peter Joneleit/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images)

USC wide receiver Michael Pittman Jr. catches a deep jump ball over Utah defensive back Julian Blackmon for a touchdown on Sept. 20, 2019. They will be Indianapolis Colts teammates. (Photo by Peter Joneleit/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images)

There wasn’t a single pick that left us scratching our heads. If forced to choose one, the pick of Blackmon was the only higher one that we didn’t get excited about. He made our top 100 (No. 90) but in retrospect likely should have graded slightly lower, given that he has no standout traits (other than character and perhaps versatility). A nice player, but one who might be eminently replaceable in a year or two.

We understand why everyone doesn’t love him, given that his sack production has been low and that he requires projection. And perhaps Chaisson isn’t ready-made to terrorize offenses in the NFL. He will develop along the Danielle Hunter trajectory, translating elite skills into production. It might not be instant coffee, but the brew will be worth it in the end. This team isn’t winning the Super Bowl next year. There’s no rush.

LSU EDGE K'Lavon Chaisson pressures Clemson quarterback Trevor Lawrence during the College Football Playoff national championship at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome on Jan. 13, 2020 in New Orleans, Louisiana. (Photo by Jamie Schwaberow/Getty Images)

LSU EDGE K’Lavon Chaisson pressures Clemson quarterback Trevor Lawrence during the College Football Playoff national championship at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome on Jan. 13, 2020 in New Orleans, Louisiana. (Photo by Jamie Schwaberow/Getty Images)

It says something that we had to go to their seventh selection to find one that we weren’t jazzed about. Quarterman was a tackling machine and a leader from Day 1 for the Hurricanes, a true throwback “Mike” linebacker who overcame shortcomings to thrive in college. As a pro prospect, he carries limited appeal, especially in pass coverage. A special teams/run defender/hustler, Quarterman was a slight reach in late Round 4, even if he was a good college player.

It’s still surprising that Fulton wasn’t a top-40 pick. I had him much higher on my overall prospect list than Wilson, figuring that Fulton’s press-man skill, big-game experience and underrated athleticism would translate into a starting CB with above-average skills. If Fulton plays to the level I think he can, he could render Malcolm Butler eventually expendable.

LSU cornerback Kristian Fulton waits for the snap against the Mississippi Rebels on Nov. 16, 2019 in Oxford, Mississippi. (Photo by Jonathan Bachman/Getty Images)

LSU cornerback Kristian Fulton waits for the snap against the Mississippi Rebels on Nov. 16, 2019 in Oxford, Mississippi. (Photo by Jonathan Bachman/Getty Images)

The league was split on him. Some teams had a grade on him commensurate with a late first- early second-round pick; other scouts viewed him as a Round 3 project. I was more closely aligned to the latter folks. Wilson has some sheer mass you can’t teach, and he fits a team that wants to be nasty and run the ball to win. But I just didn’t see enough to ever think he’d be great, and Wilson might not be ready to claim the starting right tackle job on Day 1.

Not having to trade up and still landing Jeudy is a big win. He’s a shifty playmaker who will make his impact felt in some way. And we’re cheating a bit, but the Broncos backing that up with the Hamler and Okwuegbunam picks — to go with Courtland Sutton and Noah Fant, plus the running backs — means that Drew Lock has weapons for days.

Jerry Jeudy, second from right, reacts after being selected by the Denver Broncos during the first round of the 2020 NFL draft. (Photo by NFL via Getty Images)

Jerry Jeudy, second from right, reacts after being selected by the Denver Broncos during the first round of the 2020 NFL draft. (Photo by NFL via Getty Images)

He really improved his final season at Iowa and has some nice length and athleticism, so there’s nothing to hate there in late Round 3. We’re just not sure he has the total package to become more than a reserve, even though Iowa players tend to enter the NFL more ready-made than prospects from many other schools. Just would have thought he’d go a touch later.

Who cares about value? What about the fit?! Edwards-Helaire could be a monster in this offense, able to split out (68 career catches, three drops), make people miss as a runner and also gain tough yards. He’s clutch, feisty and electric. Chiefs fans will learn. Our prediction: It won’t be long before he has the second-best selling jersey in Kansas City.

Former LSU running back Clyde Edwards-Helaire is a great fit in the Kansas City Chiefs' offense. (Photo by Todd Kirkland/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images)

Former LSU running back Clyde Edwards-Helaire is a great fit in the Kansas City Chiefs’ offense. (Photo by Todd Kirkland/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images)

Danna really didn’t get a chance to showcase his skills after transferring to the Wolverines for his final season after a productive career at Central Michigan. He started one game and played well vs. Illinois but otherwise was lost in a deep rotation in 2019. There’s talent to be developed for sure, but we were about 50-50 on his chances of getting drafted, so Round 5 felt high.

Round 7?!?! We loved Hill, squeezing the Buckeyes’ all-time receptions leader into the back end of our top 100. And while that was not a popular sentiment, with critics pointing to his average athleticism, it’s stunning that such a technically proficient and effective receiver couldn’t get a sniff any higher. Pair that pick with the Reed choice in Round 5, and the Chargers got two WR favorites of ours on Day 3.

The Los Angeles Chargers may have gotten a steal in Round 7 with former Ohio State wide receiver K.J. Hill. (Photo by Joe Robbins/Getty Images)

The Los Angeles Chargers may have gotten a steal in Round 7 with former Ohio State wide receiver K.J. Hill. (Photo by Joe Robbins/Getty Images)

Look, he has a fairly high floor as a QB. I highly doubt he busts out of the league. But he’s in the Ryan Tannehill mold and likely won’t outperform a healthy Tua Tagovailoa. The Chargers were not about to trade up to grab Tagovailoa, but it’s fair to wonder how the draft might have shaken out had the offseason been normal. Their careers will be paralleled for years, but Herbert might never be special.

Robertson, who missed our top 100, has a decent chance to win the nickel job early on. His ball production in college (14 interceptions) was absurd, and Robertson can overcome his lack of size with good quickness, a knack for finding the ball and a hard-nosed approach. Fun player who could end up a steal.

Former Ohio State Buckeyes cornerback Damon Arnette is a good player, but he may have been drafted too high. (Photo by Michael Allio/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images)

Former Ohio State Buckeyes cornerback Damon Arnette is a good player, but he may have been drafted too high. (Photo by Michael Allio/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images)

Count us as fans of the Buckeyes corner, more so than other media draft folks seem to be. But we had him rated a second-round pick, so the disappointment here is that the Raiders were not able to trade down and grab him later. This isn’t as bad a pick as some made it out to be, as Arnette is a tough customer who fits the Jon Gruden/Mike Mayock mold. Will he ever be a first-round playmaker? هذا غير واضح.

Hey, maybe Diggs was the best “value”, but I am taking the player I believe most in. Watching Lamb this season made me appreciate that good players don’t have to be the biggest, fastest, strongest or have the hottest 3-cone drill. Some do; others find ways to battle and succeed. That is Lamb, and by the way, his physical traits are plenty fine. He’s going to be a good one, and he’s a classic Cowboys pick. He has a dose of that Dez Bryant fire, even if they’re different styles of players. Love this pick.

Oklahoma wide receiver CeeDee Lamb runs up field after a catch during the Big 12 championship game against Baylor on Dec. 7, 2019, at AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas. (Photo by Matthew Visinsky/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images).

Oklahoma wide receiver CeeDee Lamb runs up field after a catch during the Big 12 championship game against Baylor on Dec. 7, 2019, at AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas. (Photo by Matthew Visinsky/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images).

There’s not a bad pick here. Maybe DiNucci, the Pitt transfer, doesn’t have crazy upside and never makes it, but we watched him this year and felt he was draftable. Why not at that point? Easier to draft a flier QB that late, rather than trying to sign them as a priority free agent.

The position had a vacancy, and they landed our 25th overall player 11 slots later. We can’t argue with that. Maybe there will be some strange Landon Collins stigma or expectations placed on him, and that would be unfortunate because they’re dissimilar in a few ways. But like Collins, McKinney should be mentally ready for a starting spot and fill a leadership role in time. This was well done.

Alabama defensive back Xavier McKinney runs the 40-yard dash during the NFL scouting combine at Lucas Oil Stadium on Feb. 29, 2020 in Indianapolis, Indiana. (Photo by Joe Robbins/Getty Images)

Alabama defensive back Xavier McKinney runs the 40-yard dash during the NFL scouting combine at Lucas Oil Stadium on Feb. 29, 2020 in Indianapolis, Indiana. (Photo by Joe Robbins/Getty Images)

Allow us to explain. We really like him! Our 11th-rated player, Thomas has the tools to become the best blocker in this class. But he was just behind Iowa’s Tristan Wirfs on our rankings and a few spots behind Alabama’s Jedrick Wills Jr., our No. 8 player regardless of position. Wills has a slightly better chance to be ready now and be the better player in the long run, even if not a ton separates them. Still, if either tackle is better than Thomas, this pick will be a net disappointment.

This wasn’t a pick that was met with universal praise, and it ultimately will come down to whether Reagor is better than the receivers (Justin Jefferson and Brandon Aiyuk) who went in the next few picks. Reagor is a highly twitched-up playmaker who is dying for some on-target passes. Sure, he drops one now and then, but Reagor is a little ball of energy who plays bigger than his size and can be used in a bunch of ways. A fun player who could change some.

TCU wide receiver Jalen Reagor returns a punt for a touchdown against West Virginia on Nov. 29, 2019 in Fort Worth, Texas. (Photo by Ron Jenkins/Getty Images)

TCU wide receiver Jalen Reagor returns a punt for a touchdown against West Virginia on Nov. 29, 2019 in Fort Worth, Texas. (Photo by Ron Jenkins/Getty Images)

Look, betting against this kid hasn’t turned out well for anyone. His potential is evident — along with his flaws. If he gets the right opportunity, say, for an injured Carson Wentz, and runs with it, the investment in Hurts will have been worth it. This is right about where the Patriots drafted Jimmy Garoppolo, after all, even if that situation was far different. Short of that, I am not retroactively suggesting that former undrafted free agent Taysom Hill has proved he should have been a second-round pick, you know?

Obvious, right? Well, this was our No. 1 overall prospect, and he has a chance to be special. No reason to get cute here. Along with Montez Sweat, the Redskins have two freaky pass rushers — and plenty of help around them. That Redskins D-line is no joke, y’all.

Washington Redskins' No. 2 overall pick Chase Young, right, talks on his cellphone during the first round of the 2020 NFL draft on Thursday. (Photo by NFL via Getty Images)

Washington Redskins’ No. 2 overall pick Chase Young, right, talks on his cellphone during the first round of the 2020 NFL draft on Thursday. (Photo by NFL via Getty Images)

We’ve been hard on the kid, and we hope he can be coached up and perhaps mentored by Ron Rivera. Charles lost the trust of some folks in Baton Rouge by not always following the rules, earning multiple suspensions. Here’s what we wrote in February, leading up to the combine:

“He’s a follower, not a leader,” the source continued. “He gravitated toward trouble when he didn’t have money, so what’s going to happen when he does have [an NFL paycheck]؟؟؟

“He makes it tough to trust him. He’s not reliable. In three years, he had a major discipline issue each year.”

After that point, several teams took Charles off their draft boards with a character red flag. His talent suggests he could be an NFL-caliber blocker, and he would have gone top-100 easily without those major concerns. Let’s hope he capitalizes on his great chance in Washington, which just dealt Trent Williams and has a void at tackle.

There’s a theme with the Bears’ class: I didn’t hate any of the picks, but I wasn’t gushing over any of them, either. Kmet and Johnson could contribute the most immediately, but ultimately Gipson might prove to be the best value pick of the lot. Gipson put on a lot of weight in school and has some nice strength, good athleticism and forced a lot of fumbles in college. He’s one to watch developing over time. Only knock is that it cost them a 2021 fourth-round pick to take him.

Tulsa defensive end Trevis Gipson takes a selfie after the Senior Bowl at Ladd-Peebles Stadium on Jan. 25, 2020 in Mobile, Alabama. (Photo by Don Juan Moore/Getty Images)

Tulsa defensive end Trevis Gipson takes a selfie after the Senior Bowl at Ladd-Peebles Stadium on Jan. 25, 2020 in Mobile, Alabama. (Photo by Don Juan Moore/Getty Images)

No huge gripe here in late Round 5, but there were other corners we liked at that stage. He’s a smart young man, and his 2018 performance vs. Clemson put him on the scouting map. Since then, he has been highly inconsistent, with tough games against UMass in 2018 and Arkansas State in 2019 (vs. a few NFL-caliber receivers, mind you), a bunch of pass-interference penalties in 2019 and a tough week at the Senior Bowl overall. Vildor’s compact strength and long arms give him a chance, but I don’t know how he fits in. Maybe as a nickel?

If a team drafts a corner in the top five, he must be special. We think Okudah is. His knocks are relatively minor, and the comp for him is Stephon Gilmore, so it’s easy to see how he might translate to a Matt Patricia defense, able to effectively press, bail or play off of zone coverage. Okudah also is mentally and physically tough and has the alpha personality required for that position in a division with some really good bigger receivers. He’ll be tasked with stopping the likes of Davante Adams, Allen Robinson and Adam Thielen six games a year, and we like Okudah’s chances to be good at that.

Ohio State cornerback Jeff Okudah makes a one-handed catch as he warms up for the Big Ten championship game against Wisconsin on Dece. 7, 2019, at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, Indiana. (Photo by Michael Allio/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images)

Ohio State cornerback Jeff Okudah makes a one-handed catch as he warms up for the Big Ten championship game against Wisconsin on Dece. 7, 2019, at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, Indiana. (Photo by Michael Allio/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images)

Maybe they turn this mighty-mite college running back into a slot receiver and return specialist. Otherwise, we can’t really get the pick. Huntley received seventh-round/PFA grades from a few teams we talked to, as his big-play electricity and receiving prowess are offset by a bad penchant for fumbling and a frame that likely can’t take too much pounding. Had the Lions taken him in Round 7, fine. But in the middle of Round 5, it felt like an overpay.

If you want to engage in a value discussion, we’re willing to do it. A fairly one-dimensional power runner with the 62nd pick might not be masterclass draft strategy, but the receivers were a bit picked over by that point, and it felt like they were upset Denzel Mims didn’t slide just a few more picks to that slot. Either way, there was no guarantee Dillon would last to them in Round 3 (he was our 79th best prospect), and he’s bound to win over dubious Packers fans with a bruising style that will appeal to their hard-nosed sensibilities in time. In a pair with Aaron Jones, it’s a winning duo.

Boston College running back A.J. Dillon could turn into a value pick for the Green Bay Packers. (Photo by Joe Sargent/Getty Images)

Boston College running back A.J. Dillon could turn into a value pick for the Green Bay Packers. (Photo by Joe Sargent/Getty Images)

Listening to the Packers gush about him after the selection can ease our minds a bit, as it’s clear they view him as a Kyle Juszczyk type of performer. Coincidentally, our pre-draft comp for him was Danny Vitale, who averaged 11 offensive snaps a game for the Packers last season. Even if Deguara is an upgrade over that and closer to Juszczyk (a 25-30 snap-per-game player for San Francisco), it’s still hard to justify the value inside the top 100, even as fun a player as Deguara is.

The first four selections will be more immediate contributors, but there’s something fascinating about Lynch. There were respected NFL evaluators we spoke with who weren’t convinced that Lynch’s tremendous production would translate commensurately to the league given that he’s a bit of a tweener and more reliant on effort to get sacks and TFLs — fairly understandable. But with the 130th pick in the draft, Lynch was well worth the pick. He was a top-100 prospect. Moving inside might slow his progression a bit, as he’s short-armed and not a dynamic athlete, but in the long haul Lynch will stick and become a favorite of Mike Zimmer and his staff.

Baylor defensive lineman James Lynch runs a drill during the NFL scouting combine at Lucas Oil Stadium on Feb. 29, 2020 in Indianapolis, Indiana. (Photo by Joe Robbins/Getty Images)

Baylor defensive lineman James Lynch runs a drill during the NFL scouting combine at Lucas Oil Stadium on Feb. 29, 2020 in Indianapolis, Indiana. (Photo by Joe Robbins/Getty Images)

He might have been borderline draftable, but this is hardly a sharp complaint given where Osborn was selected. It’s possible he makes it as a fifth receiver (on a unit that needs depth) and returner, which was his best role last season. The Hurricanes coaches named the first-year transfer from Buffalo a team captain, which speaks volumes, even if his skills are limited.

Davidson and Hennessy were smart value selections at weaker positions in this draft class, so both deserve kudos. Davidson will work into a starting role in time and be worth the pick where they got him, as Atlanta’s DL depth was perilous heading into the draft. He can play base end or be an interior rusher, so that versatility is nice. Davidson is a good player who impressed with his toughness and versatility over four years in the SEC.

Auburn defensive end Marlon Davidson during the Outback Bowl against Minnesota on Jan. 1, 2020 at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Florida. (Photo by Mark LoMoglio/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images)

Auburn defensive end Marlon Davidson during the Outback Bowl against Minnesota on Jan. 1, 2020 at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Florida. (Photo by Mark LoMoglio/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images)

It’s not a terrible pick, and he might have gone off the board 19th to the Raiders, so there was no getting him in Round 2. As rough a night as Terrell had in the 2019 national title game, he was that much more impressive in the championship contest the year prior, so that narrative can die on the vine as far as we’re concerned. But he was a second-round talent, coming up short in his tackling and making plays consistently, along with recovering with speed after receivers got a step on him.

Our only question with the Brown pick — which we heartily endorse — was whether Isaiah Simmons might have been the choice at seven? Part of that was assuaged by ending up with Chinn at the end of Round 2. It cost Carolina a fifth-rounder to slide up five spots to get him, but that was well worth it. Chinn needs some seasoning, and the uptick in NFL speed will tax him early on. Still, the nephew of Pro Football Hall of Famer Steve Atwater is a fascinating project with some Simmons-esque athleticism and could be a tight-end eraser in time.

Southern Illinois defensive back Jeremy Chinn runs a drill during the NFL scouting combine at Lucas Oil Stadium on Feb. 29, 2020 in Indianapolis, Indiana. (Photo by Joe Robbins/Getty Images)

Southern Illinois defensive back Jeremy Chinn runs a drill during the NFL scouting combine at Lucas Oil Stadium on Feb. 29, 2020 in Indianapolis, Indiana. (Photo by Joe Robbins/Getty Images)

There wasn’t a pick we didn’t like on some level, and Robinson was pegged to go in the fourth- or fifth-round range, so the value felt fine. The question is whether the former Mountaineer and XFL player can translate his playmaking skills to the NFL early on. An XFL talent evaluator we spoke with said Robinson’s play was up and down in that league, but it’s hard to gripe too much about a 6-foot-2 safety with nine combined interceptions (and 239 return yards) in his past combined 28 games in college and the XFL.

This is terrific value early in Round 3, as we expected Baun to be a top-40 or 50 selection, given his rush ability, athleticism and special-teams makeup. Even if his immediate fit isn’t easy to project, this pick will prove worth it in time. Alex Anzalone hasn’t proven to be reliable because of injuries, and Baun can replace him readily. Giving up a 2021 third-rounder to move up 14 spots for Baun is the only thing that mars the pick.

Wisconsin linebacker Zack Baun tackles Minnesota's Shannon Brooks during a game at TCF Bank Stadium on Nov. 30, 2019 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. (Photo by Hannah Foslien/Getty Images)

Wisconsin linebacker Zack Baun tackles Minnesota’s Shannon Brooks during a game at TCF Bank Stadium on Nov. 30, 2019 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. (Photo by Hannah Foslien/Getty Images)

Not many options, given that it was a four-man class. Stevens is a total projection here — we’re laughing when we say he’s a poor man’s Taysom Hill, but it’s the truth. Would the Saints keep four QBs on the roster next year, even if two of them can do other things? من تعرف؟ Anyway, it’s hard to get too lathered up about a reach in Round 7 because, well, there are no reaches in Round 7.

The cost was steep, trading a fourth-rounder to move up one spot, but well worth it in the end. Wirfs should have been a top-10 pick, and it’s reasonable to assume they were tickled when he trickled into range. Go get your guy — Bucs general manager Jason Licht did just that, adding an incredibly athletic blocker who can play either tackle spot. The possible right tackle of today and left tackle of tomorrow was an excellent choice to help protect Tom Brady.

Iowa offensive lineman Tristan Wirfs celebrates with teammates after a 2018 game at Kinnick Stadium, in Iowa City, Iowa. (Photo by Matthew Holst/Getty Images)

Iowa offensive lineman Tristan Wirfs celebrates with teammates after a 2018 game at Kinnick Stadium, in Iowa City, Iowa. (Photo by Matthew Holst/Getty Images)

It’s not who I would have selected at the 76th pick, not with Zack Moss, Darrynton Evans and Joshua Kelley still on the board. Vaughn excited us more in 2018 than he did in 2019, so it’s possible that Vandy’s weakened offense last season had something to do with his performance dip. Still, a Ronald Jones-Vaughn pairing figures to rate closer to the bottom of the NFL as far as RB duos go.

Boring going chalk here, but let’s first take a step back and look at what Arizona’s defense did last season:

With that in perspective, Simmons could be an outstanding antidote to the great NFC West tight ends (George Kittle, Tyler Higbee and Greg Olsen) while also providing a terrific blitzing option — it was his greatest skill in college, racking up sacks, pressures and tackles for loss. That back seven has great versatility and talent now, and we can’t wait to see the results.

Clemson head coach Dabo Swinney embraces Isaiah Simmons after the College Football Playoff national championship at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome on Jan. 13, 2020 in New Orleans, Louisiana. (Photo by Justin Tafoya/Getty Images)

Clemson head coach Dabo Swinney embraces Isaiah Simmons after the College Football Playoff national championship at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome on Jan. 13, 2020 in New Orleans. (Photo by Justin Tafoya/Getty Images)

There wasn’t a pick we didn’t like on some level, so this is a tad unfair. Getting Weaver in Round 6 makes our dislike very mild. He’s a smart, tough and competitive player who is held back by his athletic limitations, but even as a special teams firebrand, there’s value here.

What a tremendous weekend for the Cardinals, building on the excitement of the Kyler Murray pick one year ago. They’re contenders now.

For where they got him, Lewis could be a steal for the Rams if his medical concerns don’t become more worrisome. He’s dripping with upside and could be a 10-sack player. Lewis’ lack of experience at Alabama shows up in technical flaws, but I’d rather a team gambles on upside with a player such as this than try to bunt for a base hit, especially in a pass rusher.

Terrell Lewis, center, is congratulated being selected by the Los Angeles Rams during the third round of the 2020 NFL draft. (Photo by NFL via Getty Images)

Terrell Lewis, center, is congratulated being selected by the Los Angeles Rams during the third round of the 2020 NFL draft. (Photo by NFL via Getty Images)

His projection to the NFL is an easy one, as he showed the maturity and reliability befitting of the son of a 13-year NFL receiver who now coaches the position for the New York Jets. In the hands of Sean McVay, Jefferson could be a solid piece in three-WR packages. But there might have been other fish to fry at that point of the draft, or perhaps receivers with higher upside. The 57th pick was a bit rich, especially considering what players were still on the board.

Our 65th overall prospect, Lewis landed a few spots later and can help shore up a perennial problem area for the Seahawks. He might only be a guard, and has played only on the right side, but Lewis is a mature masher with the temperament to be a rookie locker-room leader. His fiery temperament and sheer mass provide good value up front, even if Lewis’ lack of mobility is something to be concerned about. Still, for a team that insists on running the ball, Lewis is the kind of blocker you want leading the way.

LSU OG Damien Lewis drops back to pass block against Mississippi State at Davis Wade Stadium on Oct. 19, 2019 in Starkville, Mississippi. (Photo by Wesley Hitt/Getty Images)

LSU OG Damien Lewis drops back to pass block against Mississippi State at Davis Wade Stadium on Oct. 19, 2019 in Starkville, Mississippi. (Photo by Wesley Hitt/Getty Images)

Brooks was a joy to watch as he’s a throwback linebacker with great run-stopping ability. Last season he really emerged for the Red Raiders. But his shortcomings in coverage are a concern, so we slotted him as our 91st overall prospect. It’s a pass-driven league, and Brooks’ challenge will be to become more than just a blitzer on third downs. Will he prove worth it? Hard to say, even with his intense demeanor and respectable athleticism.

We’re judging this one at face value, even though part of the appeal of trading away DeForest Buckner is that the team shed salary and created needed cap flexibility. Just as a prospect, Kinlaw (our No. 12 prospect) has some outstanding ability if his knee injury isn’t a long-term concern. Some teams were worried; the 49ers certainly were not, and he could give them 35-40 quality snaps per game next season as an interior disruptor and prove to be worth the investment. Adding a pick by moving one slot down also was a nice touch.

Javon Kinlaw, right, celebrates after being selected by the San Francisco 49ers during the first round of the 2020 NFL draft. (Photo by NFL via Getty Images)

Javon Kinlaw, right, celebrates after being selected by the San Francisco 49ers during the first round of the 2020 NFL draft. (Photo by NFL via Getty Images)

Kyle Shanahan is an excellent judge of WR talent, so who are we to judge? When he says he had Aiyuk as his top-rated receiver in the class (or even with CeeDee Lamb perhaps), we are compelled to consider his view. That’s not exactly how we saw it, so this is less a question of value — even with the trade up six spots — and more of a question of whether Aiyuk can prove to be better than the handful of receivers who went after him in Round 2. He might need time to acclimate to the NFL game but should be good in the long run.

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